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How Can I Select a Good Cause and Effect Essay Topic

Cause and Effect essays are different than most standard essays.  Standard essays are typically informational or give a process of events in chronological order, such as a “how to” essay.  Standard essay topics are easier to come up with.  In a cause and effect essay you must find an interesting relationship between two subjects and write about how one affects the other in a cohesive, interesting fashion that asks the reader to rationalize.  Because you are coming up with two subjects, topics are more difficult to select.  The following strategies will help you confidently select a good cause and effect essay topic.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Personal Interests

  • If you choose a topic based on your personal interests, you are likely to automatically choose a good topic without having to think much about it.
  • You are already confident with the topic.  You already know the topic well, and therefore, know the cause and effect relationships between several key points of your topic.  Choose two and write about how one affects the other.
  • The more passionate you are about a personal interest, the better you will select good topics that exhibit a definite, clear, concise argument.  You can write with an authoritative voice, and therefore, have assurance that you are selecting your topic with confidence.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Common Interests

  • Perhaps your personal interests seem obscure, and you are unsure if you can choose a good topic that will interest readers.  Maybe you are private and simply do not want to share your passions.  In this case, you can come up with a good topic by writing about something that is a common concern to many, relevant to today.
  • For instance, you can write about global warming and show how the shape of an atmospheric CO2 molecule affects elevated CO2 concentrations and produces a greenhouse effect.  The cause is the shape, and the effect is the greenhouse comparison.
  • Such as with global warming, other numerous topics have readily available information that is easy to find.   So, you have access to numerous topics that can be used as examples in selecting your own.  You might even come across cause and effect essays that you can read as a means to get your gears turning in coming up with your own.

In summary, there are two methods that are the easiest to apply when confidently selecting a topic for a cause and affect essay.  One is to select a topic about subject matter that personally interests you.  The other is to select a topic where information is readily available in large quantities about topics that generally interest everyone.

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