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How to End Your Essay: Example of a Concluding Paragraph

The structure of a concluding paragraph does not depend much on the type of your essay. In any case, it should include the following elements:

  • Restatement of your thesis. You should not just reword it, but craft an interesting and catchy sentence. Below is the exemplary opening of a concluding paragraph for a book essay called, “Can Scarlett O’Hara Be a Positive Role Model for Today’s Girls?”

    The attractiveness of Scarlett O’Hara’s character mostly stems from the fact that she remains unbroken by harsh ordeals.

  • Summary of your most important points. In two or three sentences, remind your readers what you have discussed, why it is important, and what the implications are.

    Brought up as a pampered daughter of a wealthy man; she survives war and misery, wins a desperate struggle for Tara, and restores her family to high social standing and wealth. Becoming as strong and independent as a woman of that age could be, Scarlett triumphs, but her lasting disregard of her true feelings makes her lonely and miserable in the end. All the undebatable charm and power of this controversial character is not enough to compensate for the utter downfall in which her life strategy has resulted in.

  • Concluding sentence. It should effectively implant your essay’s key message into the reader’s mind.

    The best lesson a present-day girl can learn from this novel is to be as optimistic and enduring as the heroine without repeating her fatal mistake.

All sentences of your concluding paragraph should flow naturally into each other. Read the exemplary concluding paragraph as a whole:

The attractiveness of Scarlett O’Hara’s character mostly stems from the fact that she remains unbroken by harsh ordeals. Brought up as a pampered daughter of a wealthy man, she survives war and misery, wins a desperate struggle for Tara, and restores her family to high social standing and wealth. Becoming as strong and independent as a woman of that age could be, Scarlett triumphs, but her lasting disregard of her true feelings makes her lonely and miserable in the end. All the undebatable charm and power of this controversial character is not enough to compensate for the utter downfall in which her life strategy has resulted in. The best lesson a present-day girl can learn from this novel is to be as optimistic and enduring as the heroine but without repeating her fatal mistake.

A concluding paragraph should answer the essay’s main question. In the sample above, the opening sentence explains why this question has arisen at all, and the final sentence provides an explicit answer.

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