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IB Extended Essay Writing – 10 Tips For Beginners

Are you a student who is involved in an IB diploma program? Are you still waiting on composing your IB extended essay in order to complete the program? Many students have the same challenge with the completion of the program. You work so hard to get through all of the course work, studying, and exams and then after it all you are assigned an extended essay to complete. There are some really amazing tips for beginners to help to get you started with the composition process. Some of the best tips for beginners include:

  • Create your topic from your clinical experiences - Creating a topic from an experience that you had in your clinical study through out the course will help you to be more passionate about your writing. When you are personally invested in the topic, you tend to make a more compelling argument.
  • Make an outline for the direction of your topic - An outline of the direction of your paper will help you to organize the information that you are trying to get across to the audience.
  • Chose a strong argument about a compelling topic - The stronger the topic and the more clear the argument is then the more committed to reading your work your audience will be. Too much vagueness will impact the reader’s ability to understand what point you are trying to make.
  • Stick to your side of the argument - Do not flop between sides, it will be too confusing for the reader.
  • Support your argument with relevant facts - Only support your argument with facts, no emotional opinions.
  • Make sure to organize your extended essay - Organization is key to getting your point across.
  • Have a clear and concise thesis statement - Make the thesis easy to identify.
  • Have your essay proofread from a professional service.
  • Edit your essay more than once.
  • Leave time to rewrite the final version of your essay.

These are just a few of the best tips for beginners to follow in order to write a great IB extended essay.

If you are a student who is responsible for creating an IB extended essay, then the most important thing for you to do is start getting organized as soon as possible. Each step through the tips has its own benefit to following and will help you to get the writing process going. Once you have completed every step you will be on your way to making sure that you are presenting the best information in the most logical way. This will help readers to fully understand the essay and the presentation of the information.

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