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Your schedule hasn’t been getting any lighter, and suddenly you realize that your essay is due tomorrow (or maybe even today?). It might seem like the odds are stacking against you, and your only option is to hire someone—probably your friend who can write fast, but that doesn’t necessarily mean write well—. Below are five quick steps that will help you produce a strong essay both quickly and easily.

  1. Picking A Good Topic
  2. This is the first step to getting you on the road to your paper. You need to be careful about what topic you choose, and make sure it’s something that actually interests you (though you can’t do much if your topic is assigned to you). In the instance that you do have a predetermined list to choose from, try to pick something that you’re already fairly well-informed about. This will help you eliminate a lot of time spent researching the subject for your paper.

  3. Form Your Thesis
  4. Now that you have your topic, you need to form your thesis statement. A thesis statement is a short statement that accurately summarizes the main point(s) or claim(s) of the essay you’re writing. Thesis statements are usually found at the end of the first paragraph of a paper, also known as your introduction. A key point of any paper is to have a strong, valid thesis. Knowing exactly what you’re trying to prove will help you organize better.

  5. Supporting Points
  6. Determine what will be your supporting points. These should be facts used to achieve the goal of your thesis, or prove the point you’re trying to make. Try to have at least three of these. No matter what type of essay you’re writing, you want to make sure that your supporting points are logical and factual. False information can easily destroy your paper.

  7. How To Write The Paper
  8. There is a very solid, general (common) format for writing essays: using the five paragraph rule. While this can be expounded upon to fit certain length requirements, it usually looks like this:

    • Introduction.
    • Paragraph (Supporting Point 1).
    • Paragraph (Supporting Point 2).
    • Paragraph (Supporting Point 3).
    • Conclusion.

    Though you can supplement as many supporting points as you need to fulfill the requirements of your paper, this is the standard layout it will follow. Don’t forget to edit!

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