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Education term papers – structuring your project

Organization can be your closest ally when writing your education term paper. If you keep yourself organized and focused from the very beginning, the entire process will proceed far more smoothly than if you begin in a disorganized manner.

Brainstorm before Research

Before you begin researching in earnest, brainstorm what information you will need to support your education term paper thesis and what will refute it. Divide this information into 3-4 categories. Once you’re confident you have a framework within which to begin your research, you’re ready to move on.

Research Each Category Individually

Of course, you will come across overlapping information, so simply add that information to the category to which it belongs. By the time you reach your final category, you’ll probably have most of the information you need already.

Keep good Records of Your Sources

Keep comprehensive, organized records of your sources from the very beginning. In doing so, you’ll save yourself enormous amounts of time later on. You’ll also find it far easier to weave all of your supporting information into your argument in a cohesive manner.

Create a Detailed Outline of the Body of Your Education Term Paper

Create a detailed outline for the information to be included per each category. Determine how you will transition from discussing one category to the next. Once you’ve got the order of your arguments determined, put it all together in one polished outline. Right now, don’t worry about the introduction and conclusion.

Write the Body of the Paper

Following your outline, write the body of your education paper. As you write, you’ll undoubtedly be inspired to include other bits of information you remember coming across—this is where your detailed record of sources will come in very handy.

Create an Outline for the Introduction and Conclusion

Once the body of the paper is complete, create an outline for the introduction and conclusion, making reference in each to every category you’ve covered. By writing the body of the education paper first, you can ensure that you don’t accidentally introduce information in the introduction or conclusion that’s not in the body of the paper.

Write the Introduction and Conclusion

Following your outline, write the introduction and conclusion. Polish the transition between the introduction and your first arguments in the body of the paper. Polish the transition between your final arguments and the beginning of the conclusion.

Proof and Edit

With the help of a friend, proofread and edit your final term paper for clarity and correctness.

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