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How can a sample essay help you improve your own writing?

You may feel discouraged that you have another essay to write. You wish your writing skills were a lot better so that you could feel more confident in accomplishing this task. One of the best ways to improve your ability to write is simply by writing. Having a great sample essay to look at gives you a tool which can help to improve your writing skills. Sample essays can be used to your advantage in the following ways:

  • Sample essays make good guidelines; they show you an example of what a really great essay should look like.
  • Ensure that the samples you are using are high quality so that you are not mirroring junk.
  • Only use sample essays that are in the same niche as your own so that when you copy the structure or format of the essay, yours will be correct for your type of essay.
  • Analyze the content and see how it was presented by the writer. What can you learn from what they have done to improve your own writing?
  • Identify the beginning, middle and end and see how they all fit together for a smooth transition from one to the other and on through the entire essay sample.
  • Pay attention to how the writer organized ideas into a cohesive piece of writing.
  • What strategies did the writer use to get an emotional reaction from you?
  • What kind of language was used and what effect did it have on you? How can you incorporate emotion-evoking language into your own essay?
  • Was the point well made? Overall, was the sample essay effective in its purpose? When you can identify its strengths, you will know what needs to be incorporated into your own writing to improve it.

Builders have been using patterns for centuries to help them build staircases, window frames, rooms and even entire houses. They would be lost without their patterns and templates. Sample essays serve the same purpose for writers who need guidance and direction. They are like patterns or templates the writer can follow to get good results on their own written work. Of course that doesn’t mean the writer will plagiarize the words from the sample essay. It only means the essay sample is used to show how it was done, like a little instruction manual. The writer must use her/his own words.

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